Sunday, June 16, 2013

"Stay At Home Mom"- Week One

    Thanks to Auntie Nicole and Uncle Ray Ray who took us along with them, we got to kick off the first week of summer with an AWESOME family trip to Great Wolf Lodge in Grapevine, Texas!   For those who have never heard of Great Wolf, imagine this: a water park, arcade, kid spa, adult spa, restaurants, face painting, shopping, 4D theater, and more all under one roof.  Yes, under one roof... the water park is INDOORS.  Who needs sunscreen?  not us!

    One fun time of the day was, bedtime!  No not because the little guy went to sleep.... because he didn't... I had to lay him on me and sing him to sleep ever night.  Bedtime was fun because after bath we could go down to the lobby where they have a nightly story time for all the kids.  Then after the story is read the kids get to take pictures with the Lodge Friends.  I enjoyed stopping off at Starbucks on our way down and grabbing a night time Latte!

   After two and a half days of family fun we told Auntie, Uncle, Grandma B & Uncle's parents good bye as they headed back home. While waiting on Daddy to trek out to the car and pick us up we entered the lego building competition that was going on in the lobby.  The challenge was to build your favorite animal… I think we made a pretty great elephant!

     We decided it would be fun to hang out in Dallas another day because Grapevine Mills Mall was just down the road.  We were not quite as excited about the shopping (though we did find some treasures) as we were about the Sea Life Aquarium!  Our little guy LOVES fish so naturally he was head over heels excited about looking at fish for 2 ½ hours.

     Happily we managed to stretch our intended 3 day vacation into 5 ½ days of fun.  It was really nice taking the 5 hour drive home and cutting it in half with an extra night stay which included some pool time and shopping at the outlet malls. 

Saturday, June 8, 2013

I'm a "Stay at Home Mom" !

    Okay, so I am not really a Stay at Home Mom but for eight glorious weeks I get to pretend like I am.  I guess you could say that is one of the perks to being a teacher and having a majority of the summer off.  I wish I had thought to take a picture of the little guy on his first day of daycare but here he is right before we left on his last day until August!

Since we were going to be out of town on Father's Day weekend we decided to make an early visit to see Great Grandpa and take him out to lunch.  It is really hard on me going to the house since my grandmother passed away in December but I sure cherish the time we get to spend with Grandpa. Over the past few months he has been talking about a truck that he wants to make for our little guy.  Well this time when we went to visit him he surprised us with a beautiful hand-made and painted truck bank.  The best part... it actually rolls!  The little guy had a blast rolling it around the house and getting coins from Grandpa's pocket to fill it.

Since my time off is short lived I am determined to make the most of it.  I have already signed us up for weekly toddler play group at the library as well as weekly swim lessons.  I’m mostly looking forward to all the extra play time and cuddles.

Monday, January 10, 2011

1st Trimester Comes to a Close

Wow, I can't believe how fast time is flying! Today we had our 13wk check up with our OB/Gyn. It is so weird to think that I am already 3 months pregnant though my growing belly makes it hard to deny.

There were no pictures of baby today... we won't get that again until week 2o. We did however get to hear the heart beat. Our little one came in with a strong rapid beat of 163! It is so comforting to be able to hear the beating heart of our baby since I can not yet feel its movement to know everything is okay.

Wednesday January 12th is the date Dieter and I have set to spread the word at work and to anyone else who does not already know. I will be announcing the news at my faculty meeting after school and then posting a link to our blog on facebook that evening.

Prayers are always appreciated. This is such an exciting time but I can't help but feel nervous too.

Also as a side note, Dieter's step-brother Greg and his wife Amirah could really use some prayers. Amirah gave birth to their daughter Aara Sunday at 23 wks (17wks early). Aara weighed 1lb 6oz at birth. I can't imagine what they are going through but I know they would appreciate as many prayers for their sweet little girl as they can get. I don't know any details at this time but if I find anything out specific I will add it to my post.

Thanks for stopping by,

Saturday, January 1, 2011

There's a Bun in the Oven!

November 14th was an exciting day in the Mohr house. It started out as most Sundays do with Dieter and I moving around the house getting ready for church. The difference this day however was a nagging question in my mind and a pregnancy test in hand.

For a week and a half I had been having lower stomach pains. I had been successfully ignoring it and thinking it was just a long period of cramps before my cycle until Saturday night when my cousin Wendy asked if there was any chance I could be pregnant. I thought that was a weird question to ask until my Aunt turned around and chimed in that she too had had cramps at the start of her pregnancy. This question swarmed in my mind for the next 12 hours. Sunday morning I got out of bed, grabbed the last test left in the closet, and set off for the guest bathroom. In the year and a half since Dieter and I started trying to conceive I have become quite familiar with the negative reading of a pregnancy test and usually prepare myself in advance for such a reading. This time the results appeared too fast for me to even think about it. A huge + sign lingered on the screen. I ran to Dieter and shared the good news. All we could do was giggle in shock.

That following Thursday we went to see my Gyno. He confirmed the results and printed out the first picture of our little darling at 5 weeks.

He then gave us the sad news that he no longer delivers and we would need to pick another doctor in the office to continue our journey. The next week went very slowly as we tried to keep the most exciting news we have experienced quite from all our friends and family.

Thanksgiving day we had the joy of hosting family at our house for dinner. As we all gathered around for prayer before dinner Dieter made the announcement that, "We had to smoke the turkey on the grill this year because Andrea has a bun in the oven." It was quite funny to see all the different reactions. Some thought it was just one of Dieter's jokes gone awry, some shouted with joy, and others looked around in confusion at what was happening. After explaining that yes it is true, we are expecting a little one, hugs were exchanged all around.

Since then Dieter and I have enjoyed slowly telling family and friends the good news. December 13th we went for our 2nd OB/Gyn appointment, this time with our new doctor. Thank you Emily for the recommendation! This time we got to see more than a little white dot. Our 8 1/2 week cutie, measuring in at about the size of a grape, had a strong heartbeat and two great pictures!